Donation Drives

Lend a Light to IRR!

Jul 2, 2024

  • What: new or well-used lamps in good condition
  • Where: Please PM ItsRainingRaincoats for more information
  • When: Until further notice
  • Contact for more info: ItsRainingRaincoat

Message from It'sRainingRaincoats:

We need decorative table lamps and standing lamps (with lampshades) for our new home! 🙌
A well-placed lamp can brighten up a room and bring it to life! ✨
A part of our new space will also serve as a cozy lounge for our migrant brothers on the weekends. 🛋️
We humbly request for donations of new or well-used lamps in good condition. 
Please PM us a picture of the lamp that you would like to donate. 🙏
Stay tuned to find out where we're moving! 🥳

Via Facebook

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