Meet the Team

Robin Rheaume


Robin, originally from Montreal, Canada, has called Singapore home since 1992.

Her career began in financial risk analysis, but after 20 years in banking, she shifted her focus towards NGO work including sustainability and zero-waste initiatives. 

Motivated by the online discourse which was often full of confusion and misinformation, she was driven by a desire to apply her analytical skills to help parse research and other reliable sources in order to make knowledge more accessible to the average consumer.

Her engagement with the zero-waste movement started with active participation in, and eventually leading, Singapore's largest zero-waste Facebook group, "Journey to Zero Waste Life Singapore." Now boasting over 16,000 members, the group has evolved into a vital hub for exchanging information and crowd-sourcing solutions to waste reduction challenges.

Recognizing the need to extend the reach of this collective wisdom, Robin founded in 2022. The platform is designed to empower individuals to minimise their waste footprint through practical advice on disposing of items sustainably. 

Through and her leadership in the zero-waste community, Robin continues to foster spaces for meaningful dialogue and education on sustainable living practices. 

Fun Fact: Robin used to be a street photographer and is the creative force behind the popular The People of Singapore project that features portraits and interviews collected on the streets of Singapore.

Fiona Choy

Creative director

From branding design, to user experience and interface, to designing informative Instagram posts, Fiona does it all. Armed with a pencil and her cursor, she uses her creative skills to bring brands to life across digital and tactile experiences.

A minimalist at heart, she lives by the spirit of want less, waste less. continues to be a fulfilling pet project for her as a quiet activist hoping to inspire change in user behaviour that influences systemic change, starting with sharing alternative solutions for your ‘waste’.

Sowing the seeds of her dream to one day build her own Earthship, she recently started dabbling in growing greens by her windows, and would love to hear about your (easy) green recipes!

Join our team

We are a 100% volunteer initiative.

We’d love to see our team grow and could use the helping hands. 

Some of the expertise we need include: 

If you are interested in volunteering, please reach out! 

There are no paid positions.