
OMG I don't have enough plastic bags!

Aug 19, 2022

Last Updated: Nov 22, 2022

Once you cut plastic bags out of your life, you may face the dilemma of not having enough bags for your rubbish.

Here's how the conversation goes...

1. OMG I don't have enough plastic bags for my trash!
You only need plastic bags for wet waste (ie food scraps and leftovers). For everything else, learn how to make a paper bin liner like in this video: Youtube: How to make a liner for your kitchen container



2. But I have LOTS of wet waste
You can also cut down on your wet waste by composting. Be it worms, bokashi or some other method, composting is an important zero waste method. One of the many Rs of zero waste is ROT.


3. Maybe I should not use bags for my wet waste at all...?
NO. In the tropics, it is a matter of public health and hygiene that your wet waste is wrapped up before being thrown out. In our heat it rots quickly and attracts pests. BTW it is an HDB rule to bag your trash. 


4. OK should I buy biodegradable bags for my leftover wet waste?
NO absolutely not! Firstly, as your bag will be incinerated, there is no value in getting a biodegradable bag.

5. But aren't biodegradable bags less toxic when they burn?
The fumes from Singapore incinerators are scrubbed to remove toxins. So the difference in possible toxins between a biodegradable bag and regular plastic bag is negligible.

6. OK so should I just buy normal plastic bags for my wet waste?
NO! Creating more demand for plastic is going backwards. It's time for you to get creative with the plastic in your life. Whatever plastic shows up as packaging, use that.


7. I still don't have enough plastic!
Come on you can do it! Scavenge for bags outside. There is no shortage of bags in this country. Get them from your neighbour who orders from Redmart every two days. Get them from your colleagues who get takeout in plastic bags every day (right after you scold them).

8. I really, really can't find enough bags!
Don't despair, there are groups where plastic bag haves and have nots can connect:

Do not buy plastic bags.

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