
Recyclopedia Needs Volunteers!

Feb 11, 2023

Last Updated: Feb 27, 2023

Attention all environmentally conscious individuals! We are seeking volunteers to join our Recyclopedia Fact Checking team.

As a member of this team, you will have the opportunity to make a positive impact on your community and environment. Scouts help ensure that the information on our website is accurate and up-to-date.

As a Recyclopedia Fact Checker, you will be notified of opportunities to lend a hand and verify updates on our website, and if you happen to be in the area, you can volunteer to help with due diligence. 

Exampled of the kind of reports we get that we need to double check:

  • [This organisation] no longer runs a recycling programme at [such and such] location
  • The bin at [some location] is missing
  • The sign on the door of […] says they are paused for donations

When such reports cannot be verified by phone, then having someone nearby just physically double check is helpful.

So we are looking for volunteers all over the island willing to keep their eyes peeled and help out if the report location is convenient for them to check out. 

Join us in our mission to promote sustainability and make a positive impact in our community. 

To become a Scout, simply sign up for our volunteer chat group and be ready to lend a hand when needed.

Join here: Recyclopedia Fact Checking Team (Telegram).

You make no fixed commitment by joining the group. Once in the group, you can decide if & when you think you may be able to help with info requests.

Although the commitment is low, the role is important as it ensures the reliability of the information we provide to the public.

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