New2U is a thrift shop located at the offices of SCWO on Waterloo Street.
The thrift shop is managed and run entirely by volunteers. All proceeds go towards SCWO and its initiatives including the Star Shelter.
Opening Hours (as of Oct 1 2023, subject to change):
- Monday to Friday 10.30AM TO 2.30PM
- Weekends: Open most weekends either Saturday or Sunday - Check with New2U for latest hours
October update: click here.
These hours change throughout the year depend on holidays. Please follow them on social media or check their website for updates.
Note that they are often overwhelmed with donation and will only accept donations when they have drives. Meaning do NOT drop stuff off at the shop. Follow them on social media for updates.
Accepted Items
Note that in addition to the list below, they occasionally do special drives for particular items.
Clothes, Bags, Jewelry, Accessories, Shoes, Crockery & Utensils, Books, Toys, Board games, Kitchen Items